Woodlands School
BackWoodlands School is a school for pupils aged 2-19 years who need the support of a specialised curriculum to enable them to reach their full potential. Pupils have either an EHCP, statement of special educational needs or are in the Early Years and currently under assessment with either severe learning difficulties, very complex needs or Autism.
Woodlands School has high aspirations and believes that education for pupils at the school is about preparation for life. Communication and literacy are very high priority, along with a broad and balanced curriculum, including learning to be independent, accessing the community and learning about the world we live in.
The school prides itself on keeping up to date with the latest thinking in education for pupils with complex learning needs and its multi-disciplinary team look to ensure the right interventions and support for its young people to overcome barriers to learning.
Woodlands School is part of the Epsom cluster of schools.