Joining BET
Academy status
Understandably schools interested in exploring academisation with Bourne Education Trust want to find out as much as possible about us. Please download our FAQs which we hope you will find helpful. Download our FAQs here.
A key aim of the Trust is for our schools to be truly inclusive and great places for everyone to work and learn in. We accept that each school will be at a different starting point in their journey and we will work collaboratively to achieve our aim.
Our approach to our work is for schools to support one another. To achieve this we aim to attract further schools into our Trust that are like-minded, outward looking and share our values. We expect schools interested in joining us to believe in the power of collaboration - wanting to play a part in the work of the Trust, regardless of the circumstances in which they join.
The infrastructure of the Trust will take away the burden on schools of managing support services and allow them to focus on effective teaching and learning. For each different category of schools, we will offer the following incentives:
Associate status
Schools can now join a trust as an ‘associate member’ for a period of around 2 years before they must make a final legally binding decision. Associate membership allows a school to join a trust in a more flexible arrangement, accessing shared resources and leadership, without legally transferring into the trust it is working with.
The benefits and areas for consideration of becoming a BET associate school are as follows:
The details of services available to associate members can be found below:
View the associate services directory here
Full academy status
Once you have fully academised within BET you can expect the following central services to support your work in your school:
View the central services directory here
Contact us
If you are interested in finding out more about joining BET then please contact Alex Russell, CEO –