Teddington School earns Silver Award for exceptional mental health support

13th May 2024

Teddington School has been recognised for its outstanding commitment to promoting mental health and wellbeing amongst students and staff. The school has earned the prestigious Silver Award from the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools after an extensive assessment process.

The final report praised Teddington for using the award framework "to an excellent effect" in developing comprehensive mental health strategies, structures and practices. The report highlighted the school's deep commitment to nurturing the mental wellbeing of its community.

"Teddington School has presented a strong profile of evidence for the School Mental Health Award and meets all criteria for the award," stated the report. "The school has used the framework and content of the award to an excellent effect to develop their mental health and wellbeing strategies, structures, and practices… It is clear that the school has exemplary practice with regards to the provision for mental health and wellbeing.”

Key highlights of Teddington's mental health approach cited in the report include:

  • A dedicated facility called the ‘The Space’ staffed by four full-time pastoral team members who promote mental health and link with outside agencies
  • Extensive training for staff, including mental health first aid certification at all levels
  • Robust policies and practices to support staff wellbeing and reduce stressors like excessive workloads
  • A curriculum designed to foster resilience, self-awareness and emotional regulation in students
  • Clear pathways for students to discuss concerns and access evidence-based mental health services
  • Strong partnerships with CAMHS, local agencies and the Trailblazer Mental Health Programme.

The report went on to commend Teddington's whole-school approach, stating "It is clear the school is deeply committed to promoting and nurturing the mental health and wellbeing of their students”.

Nikki Harrison and Charlie Asdell, Teddington's mental health leads, expressed pride in the award. "We strive to make Teddington a welcoming school where students and staff feel supported to thrive," they said. "This recognition highlights our ongoing efforts to prioritise mental health as a vital part of the Teddington community."

The Bourne Education Trust congratulates Teddington School on this outstanding achievement, which exemplifies the Trust's commitment to fostering environments where young people can learn and grow with comprehensive support for their wellbeing.

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