Rochelle Richmond
Prior to joining Sayes Court most of my teaching career was spent teaching in the Greater London area. I was appointed Interim Headteacher at Sayes Court School in 2015 and Substantive Headteacher in 2016. At the time of my appointment, the school was in Special Measures and end of key stage results were very low. I accepted the position because I believed this was an opportunity to make a real difference to outcomes for children at the school, and being part of the Bourne Education Trust, I knew I would have the opportunity to work with and be supported by some of the best professionals in education.
Ofsted inspected the school in 2017 and we were graded Good in all areas with our results having improved significantly. Since then the school has continued to grow and thrive and now includes a nursery.
Working for the Bourne Education Trust has been a very positive experience for me and I believe this is due to the continued focus on keeping outcomes and the well-being of children at its core. This resonates with my own personal views on education. Further to this, the BET is progressive, innovative and has a commitment to professional development which has enabled me to develop as a leader and continue to impact positively on outcomes for children at Sayes Court.